Parsing GitLab logs with We recommend using log aggregation and search tools like Kibana and Splunk whenever possible,
but if they are not available you can still quickly parse
GitLab logs in JSON format
(the default in GitLab 12.0 and later) using jq
What is JQ?
As noted in its manual, jq
is a command-line JSON processor. The following examples
include use cases targeted for parsing GitLab log files.
Parsing Logs
General Commands
output into less
Pipe colorized jq . <FILE> -C | less -R
Search for a term and pretty-print all matching lines
grep <TERM> <FILE> | jq .
Skip invalid lines of JSON
jq -cR 'fromjson?' file.json | jq <COMMAND>
By default jq
will error out when it encounters a line that is not valid JSON.
This skips over all invalid lines and parses the rest.
Print a JSON log's time range
cat log.json | (head -1; tail -1) | jq '.time'
Use zcat
if the file has been rotated and compressed:
zcat @400000006026b71d1a7af804.s | (head -1; tail -1) | jq '.time'
zcat some_json.log.25.gz | (head -1; tail -1) | jq '.time'
and api_json.log
Parsing Find all requests with a 5XX status code
jq 'select(status >= 500)' <FILE>
Top 10 slowest requests
jq -s 'sort_by(-.duration) | limit(10; .[])' <FILE>
Find and pretty print all requests related to a project
grep <PROJECT_NAME> <FILE> | jq .
Find all requests with a total duration > 5 seconds
jq 'select(.duration > 5000)' <FILE>
Find all project requests with more than 5 rugged calls
grep <PROJECT_NAME> <FILE> | jq 'select(.rugged_calls > 5)'
Find all requests with a Gitaly duration > 10 seconds
jq 'select(.gitaly_duration > 10000)' <FILE>
Find all requests with a queue duration > 10 seconds
jq 'select(.queue_duration > 10000)' <FILE>
Top 10 requests by # of Gitaly calls
jq -s 'map(select(.gitaly_calls != null)) | sort_by(-.gitaly_calls) | limit(10; .[])' <FILE>
Parsing Print the top three controller methods by request volume and their three longest durations
jq -s -r 'group_by(.controller+.action) | sort_by(-length) | limit(3; .[]) | sort_by(-.duration) | "CT: \(length)\tMETHOD: \(.[0].controller)#\(.[0].action)\tDURS: \(.[0].duration), \(.[1].duration), \(.[2].duration)"' production_json.log
Example output
CT: 2721 METHOD: SessionsController#new DURS: 844.06, 713.81, 704.66
CT: 2435 METHOD: MetricsController#index DURS: 299.29, 284.01, 158.57
CT: 1328 METHOD: Projects::NotesController#index DURS: 403.99, 386.29, 384.39
Parsing Print top three routes with request count and their three longest durations
jq -s -r 'group_by(.route) | sort_by(-length) | limit(3; .[]) | sort_by(-.duration) | "CT: \(length)\tROUTE: \(.[0].route)\tDURS: \(.[0].duration), \(.[1].duration), \(.[2].duration)"' api_json.log
Example output
CT: 2472 ROUTE: /api/:version/internal/allowed DURS: 56402.65, 38411.43, 19500.41
CT: 297 ROUTE: /api/:version/projects/:id/repository/tags DURS: 731.39, 685.57, 480.86
CT: 190 ROUTE: /api/:version/projects/:id/repository/commits DURS: 1079.02, 979.68, 958.21
Parsing Find all Gitaly requests sent from web UI
jq 'select(."grpc.meta.client_name" == "gitlab-web")' current
Find all failed Gitaly requests
jq 'select(."grpc.code" != null and ."grpc.code" != "OK")' current
Find all requests that took longer than 30 seconds
jq 'select(."grpc.time_ms" > 30000)' current
Print top ten projects by request volume and their three longest durations
jq --raw-output --slurp '
."grpc.request.glProjectPath" != null
and ."grpc.request.glProjectPath" != ""
and ."grpc.time_ms" != null
| group_by(."grpc.request.glProjectPath")
| sort_by(-length)
| limit(10; .[])
| sort_by(-."grpc.time_ms")
| [
| @sh' /var/log/gitlab/gitaly/current \
| awk 'BEGIN { printf "%7s %10s %10s %10s\t%s\n", "CT", "MAX DURS", "", "", "PROJECT" }
{ printf "%7u %7u ms, %7u ms, %7u ms\t%s\n", $1, $2, $3, $4, $5 }'
Example output
206 4898 ms, 1101 ms, 1032 ms 'groupD/project4'
109 1420 ms, 962 ms, 875 ms 'groupEF/project56'
663 106 ms, 96 ms, 94 ms 'groupABC/project123'
Find all projects affected by a fatal Git problem
grep "fatal: " /var/log/gitlab/gitaly/current | \
jq '."grpc.request.glProjectPath"' | \
sort | uniq