MakersCommons Platform is an integrated open source system where users can communicate and collaborate through a complete collaboration environment for the development of open source- open hardware projects.
It is aimed for small and large groups of developers and other partners, open source communities as well as public organizations that develop applications and want to monitor the progress of a project by a system. The goal is through the functions of the platform, users from different subject areas and subjects to be able to participate and contribute to the implementation of collaborative projects
Through the platform is also be possible to organize and attend online courses in online rooms, which will be open to attendance and can be organized by any user. The platform will also allow users to communicate with each other via messages, calls and video calls, which will lead to more direct collaboration.
Another feature of the platform is the embedded version control system (Git) Users can monitor code changes and coordinate tasks between members. It can be used to track changes to any set of code files. Through git wikis they will be able to share instructions for installing applications as well as instructions for expanding and upgrading them.
Also, the blog that is included in the platform will feature posts and news about code development technologies, new releases of existing ones, presentation of best practices, instructions and examples for developing applications and widgets, events that are held related to the interests of users etc